Friday, July 30, 2004

Finally managed jugak curi2 time utk wat blog nih, actually nih pun sbb stay up wat esemen english (biz plan) n then pg kang i have to do the finance assignment.....frankly speaking rite now i'm not done finished my works as next week my group have the presentation of the biz plan. We are the first group since that no one in our group come to Ms. Rajan's class at the time dier cabut undi untuk menentukan who's grup goes first !!!! Not to mention the cyberpreneurship also have to do the biz plan which have to be submit next tuesday, so i guess this week i'm staying in the hostel alone again, huhuhu !!! But nevermind, although i will be staying here then i ask for mimex to watch the AF for me n tell me the result (jgn lupe mimex, hehe !!) lgpun dier mmg keen ngan benda2 nyanyi camnih, maybe dier pun ader bakat kot nyanyi ahaks ~!! pastuh laks si fieda ngan shinizzle tgh dok tunggu derang nyer plan nak gi tgk I, Robot tp shinizzle telah tgk dulu citer tuh !!!

For the MTEN project, arigato kozaimas kat sumer2 under my biro yg telah mengorbankan masa dan tenaga sampai diri2 mereka pun telah terkorban meh nak kasi credit kat sepuluh2 membe of my biro (tepuk2 ) ----> jue, adikz, no_rulez, pakwan, cd, mira, faizah, azi n elly for their outstanding job !!!!! , yeahh come on bebeh biro sekretariat the bestt !!! kalo kita kasi credit kat membe2 projek sajer, nnt kang membe2 akademik kecik ati plaks, ehehe !!!

So now bohot bohot shukriya kpd sme2 my akademik membe yg telah bertungkus lumus memecahkan otak utk menyelesaikan assignmen2 yg telah diberi esp to budak2 accounting (mimex, gigot_d, phumba, bubbles, deviliz, shmunzz, serene, thumbalena) n sorii sgt2 kalo ader sesaper yg termiss dlm list nih korang sme mmg best !!! sesungguhnyer mmg bertuah dpt kwn cam korang, yg cukup lengkap pakej rajinnyer, caringnyer dan byk lg la !!! Tak dpt ku bygkan ketika mana kita sume telah grade n berpisah antara satu sama lain, huhuhu !!!!! abg sedey dikk !!!!

++ sweet memories never dies ++

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