Friday, August 15, 2008

iTalk Pesta Malam Indonesia 2

In conjunction with TM iTalk Pesta Malam Indonesia 2 on 14th August 2008, a number of band that will be performing at Padang Equestrian at Sunway was here at Menara TM. At first i just went to see how the event, but then one of my friends give me a poster free (which is needed if want to see the artists and have to buy one). So since i get it for free, i was thinking "ok, nvm, just go in and see them in person la", after all it is 'free'.............hehehe. I'm not able to take picture with them, since at that time i was alone, but nonetheless here is the pictures of them @ Menara TM yesterday.

Dewi-dewi in da house : Shinta Dewi (Tata) & Purie Adriani.....Caroline tak mai

Kumpulan Ungu pun ader : Maki, Oncy, Enda, Rowman, Pasha (aisehh muke tk nmpk ploks)

Shiela on 7 : Adam (ader gamba yg len, tp blur) sume ader time nih Brian, Duta & Eross

P.E.T.E.R P.A.N in da house too !!!!! - ngeh2 kaget sebentar hahaha...!!!

Ariel yg mcm tak cukup tdo...hahaha jgn mawah !!!

Kumpulan Slank : penah dgr lagu derang, tp org2 nyer mmg tak kenal

My autographed poster : amboi tu sign ke 'contiang', kui kui kui !!!!

Ader satu lg group missing which is Samsons, derang nih terlajak tdo kot, tak pat mai cni smlm, hehehe. Anyway, it is a good exposure especially utk org2 cm i nih yg tk penah nk jumpe derang2, sajer nk tgk 'what is the happening, man'. Sesape yg minat derang2 nih beli la tiket and jgn lupe event nih dekat :

10 am onwards

p/s: Fafau pun ader smlm tp dier gerak2 laju sgt.....tak sempat amik gambo !!!! pape pun..........zaassss layann !!!!

1 comment:

ohtheaida! said...

omg! it's So7~~~ eross <3